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It deppends on animals behaviour, but still NO!

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Q: Is it safe to bring a 3 year old rottweiler into a family with small children?
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Is a rottweiler a safe pet for children?

As always, animals are not toys. Rottweiler is a strong breed and a small child is not strong enough to handle a full grown Rottweiler or any other full grown large dog if it suddenly decides to go and chase for exaple squirrels. Rottweilers like any other dog breeds can be raised and taught wrong but if you do like I do and love your dog and raise it as a member of your family, then there is absolutely nothing to be afraid even when there is little babies drooling and fooling around.

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Is a Borzoi a good pet for a family with young children?

yes they are! but small children are preferred

What are the disadvantages and advantages of small and big family?

A small family get the advantages of a quieter home, cleaner home and possibly more money to spend on holidays. It's also not a struggle to bring your family of one or two children to the shops or a restaurant or even holidays. However a small family gets the disadvantage of a lonely child. Big families are more fun and usually a bit more daring and adventurous. Children from small families are often more spoilt than children from a bigger family, especially if you have one child. They might find it harder to make friends, share and socialise. A bigger family gets the advantage of children that are never lonely and have had to share and make friends easily. Big families often have more fun and an excuse to get out more. Children from a big family appreciate their siblings when they are older more then they would when they are younger. However a big family gets the disadvantage of less attention. This might make them frustrated or upset. Siblings don't always get along aswell! It can be a pain trying to bring your family down to the shop, cinema and especially a fancy restaurant! At the end of the day it's all up to you. If your a loud bubbly person who loves fun and laughter then a big family is for you. If you like the quiet life and like going out with your friends and spending as much time as possible with your children a smaller family is for you. If your a bit of both then maybe three children would be just right! A small family= Only child or two children. A big family= Four or five children. The happy medium= Three children. I really hope my advice and guidance has helped you and I wish you well in your family life.

What kind of dog is best for a family with small children?


Is there good line for small children?

The best vacation with your family and more for children find it Cruisers discount for children and the comfort of your family with the best rooms and meals.

Is a rottweiler the strongest dog?

no,strongest dog is american bully..... it is very loyal to the family and owner.. so what,his height is small but he can kill a bear or lion. god promise strongest dog.

Can a Rottweiler kill an adult?

Yes a Rottweiler could kill an adult, if in a frenzied attack.Most Rottweilers are not dangerous, and are kept as family pets. Only a small minority are dangerous, and is caused by bad ownership and people not knowing enough about the breed prior to ownership.See the related link for some statistics on dog bites and fatalities.

What is the two benefits to a family of having a small number of children?

because there is no money

What are the advantages and disadvantages of small and big family?

A small family has the advantage of easily managing essentials for daily consumption. The parents are able to give full attention to child rather than dividing it among different members. However, children might not learn about the importance of sharing. On other hand, it is hard to manage for a living of large family as it needs more resources. However; siblings tend to take care of each other and members help with house chores.

Essay of how smaller family is better than big family?

Parents always want to make the best decisions for their children. The most essential decision they have to make is the size of their family. Parents have to consider whether it is better for their children to grow up in a large family or to grow up in a small family. Still, I believe there is no best family size. A large family and a small family both have their own advantages and disadvantages in the aspects of family's finance and child companionship. A family financial condition is tightly related to the size of the family. The living cost for a large is surely much higher than the living cost for a small family. As the result, children in a large family would have less financial supports from their parents. In contrast, in a small family, parents can give more resources to their children. For instance, their children can receive better education, or have more opportunities to develop some costly interests, such as piano. My friend, Dave, is the only child in their family. Their parents always support him to do whatever the things he wishes to do, such as traveling aboard and developing his interest in music. On the other hand, I, growing up in a large family, do not have as many chances to do things I want as Dave do. From this example, I believe children in a small family can receive more supports from their parents than children in a large family can receive. Although children in the large family might not receive much supports from their parents, they have more companies to talk to and to play with. That is definitely a great advantage for children in a large family. They will not feel lonely at home because their brothers or sister are always their best companies throughout their lives. On the other hand, if a family only has a single child, the child would often feel lonely, and feel eager to have a brother or a sister. Luck enough, I have a brother and a sister, and I never feel lonely at home. They are always the best friend to talk to and to share my feeling with. Children would definite benefit a lot from having more companies at home, and it is an advantage a small family doe not have. After all, there is not really an answer for the best family size because both large and small family have their own advantages and disadvantages. Children in a small family can receive more supports than children in a large family. However, children in a large family can have more companies at home than children in a small family can have. Because the size of a family could affect children greatly, the parents should think carefully before they decide how many children they are going to have. Thank you so much again!

Is jin a helping ghost or spirit?

Yes she is a small girl that is attracted to a family with small children like herself. She is looking for her mother