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No its not normal usally wen yorkies get to that age theyre pretty active

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Q: Is it normal for a 14 yr. yorkie to sleep all the time?
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3-year-olds talk in their sleep all the time. Sometimes it's coherent, sometimes it's not.

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If you need to get 12 hours of sleep then you should see a doctor. It is not normal to feel tired all the time. You may be anemic.

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Yes, it is normal for a 2-month-old puppy to sleep a lot throughout the day. Puppies require a lot of sleep for growth and development. As long as your puppy is eating, drinking, and showing no signs of illness, you should not be concerned about their sleeping habits.

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Yes they do sleep they just float like normal fish and then after their sleep they will be all playing again!!

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Yes it is completely normal :) I own a leopard gecko, and before and after he sheds and doesn't eat at all. Mine sometimes doesn't eat for a weak and is completely fine :) and yes it is normal for them to sleep a lot in the day time, they are nocturnal creatures. They sometimes sleep in the night too! :)

I am 13 weeks pregnant and can not sleep through the night anymore is this normal?

Pregnancy is never normal and each person is different. I have 3 children and each pregnancy was different, with my fuirst i couldn't sleep, second i slept normal, and third i slept all the time See ur midwife though if you are worried

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no i would have her checked for deseases

Can you dream in your sleep?

Yes you can I dream in my sleep all the time.

Is a Yorkie a rare dog?

No not at all

How much is a yorkie?

It all matters where you buy it. They usually range from $400-$1,300

Is it OK for 2 week old puppies to sleep all day?

Yes, puppies of that age will basically sleep all the time, and feed the rest of the time, but mostly they will just sleep.