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Q: Is it correct that Human beings as you know them today developed from earlier species of animals?
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How do you spell marine species?

That is the correct spelling of "marine species" (there are many for animals and plants).

What physical structures were fully developed and functional in an earlier group of organisms but are reduced and unused in later species?

because they did

How many species of animals are in India?

there are 1002 species of animals in India im probably wrong but correct me please There are approx. 89,000 species of animals in India. I asked that question and I got the answer from a diff. source.

What theory states that most of Earth's current species developed from distinctly different species which existed earlier in time?

biological evolution ...........studyisland

What is a homosaphian?

It is scientific name for humans. Scientists have developed a system to name all the species on this planet. Each animals has a species name and a genus name.

How many species of animals are there in India?

there are 1002 species of animals in India im probably wrong but correct me please There are approx. 89,000 species of animals in India. I asked that question and I got the answer from a diff. source.

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if i am correct there are about over 50 animals in the Antarctica because many more are dying around

How do animals help other animals?

In general, most do not. Often they kill or eat them. However, sometimes a mother of one species will adopt a baby of another species, and different species have developed unusual and friendly relationships. We enjoy hearing about things like that because they are so rare.

How many animals live in the US?

There are an estimated 7.77 million species of animals in the United States, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects. The exact number of individual animals is difficult to determine due to the vast diversity of species and their populations.

How many animals are there in the rain forset?

There is no definitive number of animals in the rainforest as new species are constantly being discovered. Estimates suggest there might be millions of different species in the rainforest, with the Amazon rainforest alone home to thousands of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.

How to spell endager?

Endanger is the correct spelling.Some example sentences for the word are:His behaviour would endanger the public.Too much human agriculture will endanger many species of animals.

Who first discovered evolution?

Charles Darwin Charles Darwin did not "discover" evolution. It was an explanation for the changes that he believed had taken place in species of animals he encountered on his five year voyage on the HMS Beagle. He developed that theory over time into his "Origin of Species" which explained that all modern life shared a common ancestor and how animals change to give rise to new species.