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No, having fun is mentally and physically very healthy and helps relieve stress.

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Q: Is having fun immature
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Is not having fun fun?

why yes its very fun especially when its not fun to not have fun having fun while you dont have no fun not having fun while you dont have fun about having fun doing the action of not having fun. =) <--this is not fun so its fun Not having fun is not fun because having fun is the opposite of fun so fun would be more exciting.

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What is 'to have fun' in Hungarian?

szórakozni [soːrɒkozni]the grammar and the pronunciation are very difficult in our languageI'm having fun - (én) szórakozok [soːrɒkozok]you are having fun - (te) szórakozol [soːrɒkozol]he/she is having fun - (ő) szórakozik [soːrɒkozik]we are having fun - (mi) szórakozunk [soːrɒkozunk]you are having fun - (ti) szórakoztok [soːrɒkoztok]they are having fun - (ők) szórakoznak [soːrɒkoznɒk]

How do you say 'having fun' in Spanish?

Divertirse = to have fun. Me estoy divirtiendo = I'm having fun.

Is having fun really fun?


Does fine to make fun and tease the losing team?

Teasing the losing team is arrogant and very immature.

Hope you are having fun in french?

having fun mean s'amuser in french

What is the definition of immature?

Immature means:Characteristic of a lack of maturity.Not fully developed: "immature fruit".Not mature, unripe, not perfected.Emotionally undeveloped; juvenile; childish.Deficient in maturity; lacking wisdom, insight, emotional stability.(of a person or their behavior) Having emotional or intellectual development appropriate to someone younger.(of birds) not yet having developed feathers.

What is the song that goes look at you look at me just having fun?

Hot and Fun - N.E.R.D Lyrics are "look at you look at me, hot and fun" not "having fun"

How is solstice celebrated?

It is celebrated by Having fun and it is in summer people rember when they are having fun .

Why are kids my age so immature PS im 13?

You are still a child, and indeed you are a rare specimen if you are not immature. Enjoy it, you have a whole lifetime to be grown-up, and it isn't as much fun as you might think.

Why is Louis immature all the time?

He just loves to laugh, that's all! When he has to be professional, he can be serious, but he just loves to have fun. He says he'll be immature for the rest of his life, as he never wants to grow up.