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Q: Is all food made by animals and plants?
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What edible item is not made from plants or animals?

All minerals, salts and vitamins are not made from plants or animals.

How do plants help support the life of the people?

People are "animals". Animals can not make their own food they have to eat other animals and or plants to survive. Plants can make their own food (from air, water and sunlight) - they are the basis of all food - without plants there could be no animals.

Why will there be a shortage of food if plants and animals become extinct?

If all animals go extinct there will be no need for food!

In which way do all animals need plants need for survival?

All animals need plants for survival because plants make food and oxygen. we all need oxygen to breathe and the plants I'm sure you know take the carbon dioxide in the air and make it into oxygen. and as for food some animals eat leaves and plants also make food like berries that we and animals eat too. :)

Why do animals depend on plants?

Animals depend on plants for food, as they provide essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Additionally, plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis, which animals need to breathe. Some animals also rely on plants for shelter and nesting materials.

The biosphere is made up of?

all plants and animals

Are all animals directly or indirectly independent for there food?

Animals are all dependant on other organisms for food - either plants or other animals. This is because they are heterotrophs; they cannot produce their own nutrients.Plants on the other hand, are autotrophs. They take in sunlight and convert it directly into sugars or "plant food".

How soil erosion affect peoples lives?

what I think is all the plants die because there are no more nutrients and soil and the animals have no food then the people have no food because all the food we get is from animals,well not all of them cuz some come from plants

What is an important difference between a plant and an animal?

One important difference is that plants are autotrophs, meaning they produce their own food through photosynthesis, while animals are heterotrophs and must consume other organisms for energy. Additionally, plants have cell walls made of cellulose, while animals do not have cell walls.

What is different about animals and plants?

Simply the only difference is that plants have green leaves that can make there own food. Animals and plants all move, grow and reproduce

Do many living things get food from other living things?

Green plants make food from sunlight. All animals get their food by eating plants (living things) or animals (also living things)

Where does the energy in food from?

Energy in food comes from the sun. The sun is the source of energy in all food, because at some level in the food chain animals rely on animals that eat plants and plants derive their energy from the sun.