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If you are asking about food chains etc, then yes plants are living things

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Q: Is a consumer a living thing?
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Is a hedghog a consumer?

YesAny living thing that needs to eat food is a consumer.

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What kind of living thing in the ecosystem is a herbivore?

a primary consumer

What does the consumer mean in science?

A consumer means any living thing that has to eat another living tHing because It can't produce it's own food. Example, here is a food chain: Lettuce(producer)-is food for- slug(consumer)- is food for- sparrow(consumer)- is food for- eagle(consumer)

What does the word consumer mean in science?

A consumer means any living thing that has to eat another living tHing because It can't produce it's own food. Example, here is a food chain: Lettuce(producer)-is food for- slug(consumer)- is food for- sparrow(consumer)- is food for- eagle(consumer)

A living thing that eats but doesnt make its own food?

A consumer

What kind of living thing are primary consumers?

A primary consumer is something cool

Is ink a producer?

Ink is not a living thing so it cannot be a producer or a consumer

What types of animal is a consumer?

A consumer is any living thing that has to find food and does not automatically make it like producers (plants).

Are black widow spiders a carnivore?

Yes, because they eat any living thing that gets trapped in their web.

Why are animals consided consumers?

because they consume food and water and air, every living thing is a consumer.