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Yes it is - the caterpillars organs get re-arranged, and new appendages such as wings and legs are formed.

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by going threw puberty

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Q: Is a caterpillar turning into butterfly a physical change?
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Does caterpillar change into butterfly?


How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?

By growing up.

What type of science is a caterpillar turning into a butterfly I think it's life science but I'm not sure?

In fact it is life science. It works by genetic mutation. A chemical passed from the caterpillar's body's to ensure the change.

What symbol represents change?


Which transformation is suggested on wings of a butterfly?

The transformation suggested by the wings of a butterfly is metamorphosis, symbolizing growth, change, and transformation. The process from a caterpillar to a butterfly represents a physical and metaphorical evolution, inspiring renewal and new beginnings.

What is the name given to the change from larva-caterpillar-butterfly?


What images can symbolise change?

Butterflies, they channge from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly ^^ cute

What greek word means changing shape describing the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly?

The Greek word that means changing shape, specifically describing the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly, is "metamorphosis."

How many eggs do caterpillar's lay?

No, only the adult (moth or butterfly) is sexually mature and can lay eggs.---------------------------------------------------------------------A caterpillar does not lay eggs. A caterpillar is the juvenile of an insect like a butterfly or moth that when mature will lay eggs.---------------------------------------------------------------------

What is a complete metomorephosis?

It's a complete body change, like when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

How long does it take for a monarc caterpillar to change to a butterfly?

it takes about 4 weeks for it to grow and cocoon and about six weeks 4 it to be a butterfly.

Doctor Doctor I keep thinking I'm a caterpillar Don't worry you'll soon change Explain joke?

There is an ambiguity here. Either the patient will "change" in the sense of forgetting about his ideas of being a caterpillar, or the caterpillar will change into a pupae and then into a butterfly.