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A purebred is a dog that only has one kind of dog in it so if it just has germen shephard in it then its a purbread.

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It will be if it has papers.

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Q: Is a German Shepherd purebred
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How big is the German shepherd?

A purebred can be up to 70cm at a push. Kind Shepherd's up to 90cm but they are a mix.

Are German Shepherds similar to another dog?

It depends on if the German Shepherd is a purebred or not.If so then the German Shepherd is related to the Siberian Husky the Samoyed and the wolf of course.

What is the strongest breed of canine rottweiler or pit bull?

The purebred german shepherd is stronger. because he is used by military and he is the most loyal breed of world he can kill a indian lion. one day a police purebred german shepherd save me from my pitbull. my pit bull wants to kill me. first he kill my mom and now he wants to kill me . but purebred german shepherd of police save my life.

The German Shepherd have 3 signs in the face to make sure hes pure what are they?

I can honestly say that I have only heard of one way to tell if a German Shepherd is purebred. This feature has helped me in the long-run because I have been with a lot of Gernan Shepherds. You can always tell the German Shepherd is purebred if they have a bump on their snout. Both of my German Shepherds have that. Now I also have a German Shepherd/Belgian Tuevern mix. On her, she has no bump whatsoever. But, I know she would not have a bump because of her mutt-mix. But if I did not know her bloodlines, I would have figured that she is not purebred. I hope this was helpful. P.S. I know this is a very long answer, but I choose to go into detail so that if you need to pass on the information, you can, and be able to show why and how you know.

How do you know the purity of a German shepherd dog?

Purebred German Shepherds will have pedigree papers that prove registration to the Kennel Club and means that they have atleast 3 generations of pure recorded family history. If a German Shepherd does not have pedigree papers then it is either crossbred or wasn't legible for registration as a puppy. Currently, only shorthaired German Shepherds are shown seriously, so Longhaired German Shepherds may not be Kennel Club registered but still be purebred.

What is the largest and tallest size of German shepherd?

Possibly the breed known as "Alsatian", which is, in effect, a really big German Shepherd.

Why are German shepherds so expensive?

Because depending on the line of shepherd they are very intelligent and trainable. Also they are VERY dependable.

Is the White German shepherd still a German shepherd?

No. It is a swiss shepherd

What is faster German shepherd or lab?

German shepherd

How old can the German sheperd grow to be?

German Shepherds can live commonly from 10-12 years. This is common if the dog is purebred. If it is not a purebred German Shepherd, then the dog may live shorter or longer. If you need more help, I would suggest purchasing The Dog Breed Bible by D. Caroline Colie, Ph. D. This book has helped me for years now.

What is more playful a German shepherd or a labrador retriever?

i have a German shepherd and a labrador my German shepherd is more friendly

Which is the best for police Doberman or German shepherd?

german shepherd