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well yes if you are outside but if it is water it is coldish warm 30 degrees is scorcher for the outdoors

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Q: Is 70 degrees warm
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How warm is 70 degrees Celsius?

70 degrees Celsius = 158 degrees Fahrenheit.

Will it be warm in Bahamas in January?

about 70 degrees

Is 70 degrees cold or warm here in California?

70 degrees is not so cold, and not so warm. Its enough to wear a not so think sweater and a nice pair of jeans. :)

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What is the temperature in Hawaii?

Hawaii's temperatures are 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

How warm does it have to be for a tornado to hit?

It usually has to be pretty warm. Tornadoes are rare at temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but they have occurred in temperatures in the 50s.

What tempertaure is considered warm?

A temperature of around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-27 degrees Celsius) is generally considered warm, depending on individual preferences and the context of the situation.

What does 70 degrees feel like?

70 degrees Fahrenheit typically feels pleasantly warm and comfortable to most people. It is generally considered to be a moderate temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold.

Is 70 degrees Fahrenheit hot or cold?

Well it depends on what kind of person you are...if you live in florida, its probably very comfortable. In Alaska its very warm...

When you set your thermostat at 70 degrees with the heater on feel warmer than when the air conditioner is set at 70?

When the heater is on, it increases the temperature in the room to match the thermostat setting of 70 degrees, creating a warm environment. On the other hand, when the air conditioner is set at 70 degrees, it is working to cool the room down to that temperature, which can feel colder in comparison to the heater's warmth.

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radishes and most other seeds grow best in warm temperatures, 70 degrees or so is a good temperature for them

Do fire belly toads like cold or warm water?

Fire belly toads like warm water, preferring water around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.