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Yes it is too hot for water plants

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Q: Is 50 degree Celsius too hot for water plants?
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What is 82 degree celsius is it hot or cold?

Hot, water on 100 degree Celsius is boiling

If water is 0 degrees Celsius how hot is it in Fahrenheit?

32 degree Fahrenheit.

If you heat the water at 7 degree Celsius when you insert your finger into the water will the water be hot or cold?


Is 5 degrees celsius hot or cold?

fairly cold 0 degree Celsius = 32 degree Fahrenheit = freezing point for water 5 degree Celsius = 41 degree Fahrenheit

200 degree Celsius is hot as 100 degree Celsius?

Yes, 200 degrees Celsius is hotter than 100 degrees Celsius. The temperature scale is linear, so an increase in temperature indicates an increase in heat energy.

What is the characteristics of hot springs?

Of course it has high temperature(above 50 degree of Celsius), hot, vapor on the water surface, smoke.

How hot is 46 Degreed Celsius?

46 degree Celsius = 114.8 degree Fahrenheit

Is the degree Celsius cold or hot?


How long would it take for 120 milliliters of hot water to begin freezing?

The time it takes for hot water to begin freezing depends on its initial temperature, the environment, and the rate of heat loss. Generally, hot water will freeze faster than cold water due to the Mpemba effect, which is when hot water freezes quicker than cold water under certain conditions. However, it is difficult to provide an exact time frame without specific details about the initial temperature and surrounding conditions.

Is 300 degree celsius cold?

No, 300 degrees Celsius is considered very hot. It is well above the boiling point of water and can cause burns or damage to most objects placed at that temperature.

How hot is geyser water in Celsius?

Geyser water temperatures can vary, but typically range from about 70°C to 100°C (158°F to 212°F). This can depend on factors like the specific geyser and its location.

How hot does 100 degree water feel to touch?

Water at 100 degrees Fahrenheit would feel very warm to the touch, nearing the temperature of a typical hot tub. It would likely feel pleasant at first but could quickly become uncomfortable or even scalding if exposed for too long.