No, Parvo is not a vaccine that needs to be administered yearly. The Parvo vaccine is typically given as a series of shots to puppies, with boosters given every 1-3 years depending on the veterinarian's recommendation.
DHLP/Parvo vaccine. You can also get the vaccine with Corona added too. The vaccine is for Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto, Parainfluenza & Parvo. A pup needs a series of vaccines (check with your Veterinarian) and thereafter, a booster once a year.
Any dog can get parvo. To prevent it, go to the vet and get the shots are dog normally needs.
A puppy of ANY breed of dog that is suspected to have Parvovirus needs immediate vet care. Parvo can kill a puppy within hours.
Assuming that saline is the only thing being administered, yes. However, if the drip is a source of parenteral nutrition, the patient's diet needs to be taken into account for what needs to be administered.
This will depend on the health and location of your dog. All dogs need rabies vaccine, which is one shot as a puppy, a booster at one year then one vaccine every three years. Most veterinarians also recommend every dog get the "combo" vaccine - distemper, parvo, coronavirus, etc - which is a series of 3-4 shots as a puppy then a yearly booster. If you want to board your dog at a kennel, you will need to get him his bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine, which is intranasal rather than a shot; this is done twice a year for dogs that are kenneled frequently. Besides these, there are option vaccines and shots available depending on what you and your vet agree your dog needs.
NO if your puting refrigerant in your system yearly that means you have a small leak some where and it needs to be found.. if your service tech says this is normal he or she needs to go to school for HVACR...
No. An IQ test needs to be administered by a trained professional such as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.
like three ways of injection of a vaccine, when a drug enters in the body its action depends upon type of vaccine that either it is i/v or s/c or i/m.i/v vaccine action is quik enough but it further depends upon the manufacturing of a vaccine either it will be manufactured with oil or it will be made in aquous medium. my answer needs the procedure of drug/vaccine to go ahead inside the body.
line graph
Well that depends on what car you have and how many liters it needs per/km.
Specify yearly training ammo needs for each unit
depending on where you go to get your shots and the age of your puppy, the first round for puppies usually doesnt have the parvo vaccine. they are able to get a parvo vaccine after they reach 6 weeks of age. and should be boosted on that monthly until the reach about 4 months old.