It is not safe to open a capsule meant for human consumption and give it to your dog without consulting a veterinarian first. The dosage and ingredients may not be suitable for your dog's health and could potentially harm them. It is important to always seek professional advice before giving any medication to your pet.
you can cover it in butter or put it in dog food and if that don't work you open the dogs mouth drop in the capsule and force the dogs mouth shut and stroke their throat this sounds nasty but its not this is how vets tell you to do it. good luck
Has this drug been prescribed for your dog by a veterinarian? If so, how did he tell you to use it? I would call the vet and ask for instructions on how to give it to your pet. If it was NOT prescribed by a vet, and is for human use for seizures, then DO NOT give it to your dog. Take your dog to a vet if it is having seizures.
I'm not sure...
You keep it it safe until near the end. With Spitsy, the dog, hanging around, put some peanut butter crackers down where the capsule is shown to be on the map. Spitsy will dig up the capsule.
Do not give Ibuprofen to a dog; it is not safe to use in dogs.
pull it out then open it. a big scene plays and you dont have to do anything else.
no! you have to becarful to what you give your pet
It is not safe to give your dog a higher dose of Heartgard without consulting a veterinarian first. Overdosing can be harmful to your dog's health.
No, it is not safe to give a dog corn on the cob as it can pose a choking hazard and may cause digestive issues.