Breeding a pregnant Maine Coon cat is not safe and should be avoided. It can put the health of the mother and her kittens at risk. It is important to wait until after the current pregnancy and nursing period before considering breeding again.
It's ok for any breed of dog to be pregnant at 1 year old but most breeders let go of the first heat.
yes is safe for pregnant woman in
yes it is safe for pregnant..
kojic soap its safe in pregnant women
NO it definitely not safe. You can only breed cavaliers at a minimum age of 2.5 years but that only BOTH parents are clear of health problems at age 5.
It is safe to eat the pearl meat when pregnant.
Yes. It is safe to eat the goat meat when pregnant.
is it safe to drink tiger malt while pregnant
Think about what a hernia is. What could happen if she did? Would this be safe? Why is this cow being breed? Are you going to eat her? Raise the calf to eat? For breeding stock? Why would you breed a cow that might pass on a tendency to have weak guts and pass that weakness on to the next generation? If you must have the vet fix it. Otherwise cull her out. No it is not safe. Find her a new home, down the road or in the freezer.
No it is not safe. Going on a HCG supplement as a pregnant woman is very dangerous. You should not be trying to lose weight if you are pregnant.
i am 5mnths pregnant is salbutamol/guiafenesin 2mg/100mg is safe for my baby?
It is actually safe to take milk thistle while you are pregnant.