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Right is wrong. Here is the answer: Superstitions about salt date back to Biblical times when salt was a highly prized commodity. It was expensive, crucial in preserving food, and was often used in lieu of currency. So spilling salt was considered an almost sacrilegious offence, and left one perilously exposed to the devil's machinations.

Throwing salt over your shoulder is akin to blessing someone after they've sneezed -- it's a way of keeping the devil at bay while you're in an especially vulnerable moment. Depending on your interpretation, the salt is either intended to blind the devil so he can't witness your error, or keep him from sneaking up on you while you're cleaning up your mess.

It's important to note that the superstition calls for the offender to throw salt over the left shoulder. Many ancient traditions place the devil to the left of the straight and narrow path. The classic image of a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other often shows the sinister imp sitting on the left side.

And if you want to really follow the letter of the law, you're encouraged to throw the salt with your "good," or right hand. Throughout history, the association of right with good and left with bad caused a number of perfectly respectable left-handed people to be burned at the stake. Not good.

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Q: In superstition over which shoulder should one throw salt?
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If one is superstition what shoulder should one throw salt?

over the left shoulder

If one is superstitious over which shoulder should one throw salt?

Traditionally, if one is superstitious and spills salt, they should throw a pinch of salt over their left shoulder to ward off bad luck or evil spirits. This superstition comes from the belief that the devil tends to linger over one's left shoulder.

Is it bad luck when you throw salt over your shoulder?

Of course not. It's all superstition. In fact, according to the superstition, throwing salt over your shoulder counteracts other things that bring bad luck supposedly, like breaking a mirror or spilling salt.

What arm should you throw salt over?

You throw salt on your left shoulder.

Salt over the shoulder?

This superstition originates from the belief that spilling salt brings bad luck. Throwing salt over the left shoulder is thought to ward off this bad luck or to blind any evil spirits that may be lurking behind you. It is a common superstition in many cultures and is believed to protect against negative energy.

Should you throw salt over your right sholder if you spill it?

The superstition about spilled salt comes from the belief the devil stands behind your left shoulder, whispering "bad" ideas & suggestions to you. If salt has been spilled it is believed to be unlucky, unless you throw a pinch of it over your LEFT shoulder, supposedly into the devil's eyes, thus distracting him from leading you into trouble.

If one is superstitious over whitch shoulder should one throw salt?

left shoulder

What do you do when you throw salt over shoulder?

If you have supersticions, you throw salt over your shoulder to get rid of them

If one is superstitious over which shoulder should one throw salt after spilling salt?

your left shoulder

Which shoulder do you throw salt over?

Throwing salt over your left shoulder is a common superstition believed to help ward off evil spirits or bad luck. This practice is often associated with spilling salt, as salt was historically considered a valuable and protective substance.

What is the truth about throwing salt over your left shoulder?

Nothing its a stupid superstition

Why do some people throw salt over there shoulder?

Throwing salt over the shoulder is a superstition believed to ward off evil spirits or bad luck. It is thought that spilling salt brings bad luck, so throwing it over the shoulder is a way to counteract this belief.