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Organisms best adapted to a changed environment are more likely to reproduce and pass their genes to offspring.

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Q: Ideas related to the modern theory of evolution?
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What did Theodosius Dobzhansky discover?

He contributed to the modern synthesis theory; a comprehensive theory of evolution that integrated ideas from many fields.

Did Charles Darwin retract his ideas of evolution?

No, Charles Darwin did not retract his ideas of evolution. His theory of evolution by natural selection remains a cornerstone of modern biology and is supported by extensive scientific evidence.

What was Darwin ideas?

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Who is the scientist whose ideas are the basis of modern evolutionary theory?

Charles Darwin is the scientist whose ideas are the basis of modern evolutionary theory. His theory of natural selection, outlined in his book "On the Origin of Species," explains how species evolve over time through the process of gradual change and adaptation to their environment.

Which theory was helpful to Darwin in the formulation of his theory of evolution?

The theory of common decent was one of the most helpful ideas in the formulation of the evolution of species. This theory acknowledges that to share common denominators there was a shared ancestor.

Who developed the ideas that became known as the theory of evolution by natural selection?

The answer is: Darwin

How did the idea of evolution become the modern theory of Darwinism?

The idea of evolution existed before Charles Darwin, but his work on natural selection and adaptation provided a comprehensive explanation for how it occurs. Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" presented evidence and a mechanism for how species change over time, leading to the development of the modern theory of evolution. Subsequent research and discoveries have only further supported and expanded on Darwin's original ideas.

What is a system of ideas called?

A system of ideas is called a theory. It is a comprehensive set of principles or beliefs that explain and predict phenomena within a particular field.

What is the name of the british scientist that developed the evolution theory?

The great Charles Darwin is most credited with the theory of evolution, but there were many before him that had similar ideas, and many people since have advanced the science of evolution.

What was Charles Darwin's big idea?

That all humans had evolved from apes into modern humans, research into our own DNA shows that Neanderthals interbred with another branch of apes called cro-magnon man. This resulted in modern humans that we knoe today.

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.