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They followed the herds and picked out an animal to kill.

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Q: How would early hunter gatherers hunt there pray?
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What did the early people depend on to eat?

What they could find and or hunt, they were hunter gatherers.

How did early hunter gatherers interact with their environment?

They hunted and gathered. If they couldn't hunt or gather in the area they were in, then they would move to another location.

A sentence for hunter-gatherers?

Hunter-gatherers relied on gathering plants and hunting animals for their food, living a nomadic lifestyle to follow available resources in their environment.

What who hunt and gather food are called?


How do Bushman get their food?

The hunt and gather. they are hunter-gatherers.

What is the name for a group of people who follow animals they eat?

Hunter-gatherers are groups of people who follow and hunt animals for food.

What are hunters and gatherers job?

Hunter Gatherers were the people of a civilization that would hunt wildlife and gather or scavenge plants for food. Both for themselves and other people of the society.

What are hunter and gathers?

Hunter Gatherers were the people of a civilization that would hunt wildlife and gather or scavenge plants for food. Both for themselves and other people of the society.

How did hunter-gatherers interact with their environment?

They hunted and gathered. If they couldn't hunt or gather in the area they were in, then they would move to another location.

Hunter-gatherers migrated in order to?

Get To hunt on animals,and get throphies from them and also their food

Why do hunter-gatherers communities travel in small groups?

The hunters and gatherers won't easily get detected by the animals they are trying to hunt.

How did early hunter gatherers interact to their environment?

Early hunter-gatherers relied on their environment for food, shelter, and resources. They developed a deep understanding of their surroundings through observation and experimentation, learning which plants were edible, where to find water sources, and how to track and hunt animals. Their survival depended on their ability to adapt to changes in the environment and to make the most of the resources available to them.