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Goats are herd animals, so should not be kept as solitary animals. A pair (or more) of goats will make a good addition to the right family. A decent amount of space (yard/pasture) will be necessary.

A draft free 8' x 10' shed furnished with elevated sleeping and feeding places will accommodate four adult animals. An attached outside enclosure with at least 4' high Fencing will provide the fresh air and exercise these active, fun-loving goats need. They are very sociable and are happier in a herd atmosphere or with another goat as a friend.
I would recommend an acre pasture if possible. If not 1/2 acre will do.

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15y ago
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15y ago

One cow, 2 years old or over needs a floor area of 40-50 sq ft; 8.5-10 ft of ceiling height; 30-40 sq ft of shade per animal; 10-12 ft of shade height; 300 sq ft of area if ordinary dirt lot or drylot; and 50-100 sq ft of area if paved lot.

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14y ago

On the light side

Contrary to popular belief goats do not require property, it just makes them happy.

While all goats differ in the amounts of property they like to have it's good to start out with just a few possessions, maybe a book and a coffee mug or a sweater and a telescope. You can then observe your goat, if he is coveting the other goats property you might consider getting him a little more. Some goats will enjoy having vast amounts of property, for these goats you might consider purchasing a storage shed to keep it all. Other goats will have only a few small pieces of property which can be kept in a purse or suitcase. Occasionally you will encounter a goat who dislikes the owning of property, usually these are young goats and they will grow out of this.

Some tips on goat property:

-Goats prefer VCRs to DVD players.

-Goats have been known to trade property

-Thievery is not unheard of, to discourage this give your goats property of similar value.

-gifts should be given on all holidays except valentines day, and mothers/fathers day as the goats believe these holidays were invented by greeting card companies.

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10y ago

I suggest that if you are getting a goat that you get two, so your goat isn't lonely and depressed. But if you insist on having one then your

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What is the highest-rated goat fencing company?

You can get an idea of how to get and make a goat fencing for your property at goatworld dot com. They have good tutorials and information to understand what you need.

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a small patch of land will due.

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Is your goat too fat? if so then yes, you need anorexia. badly. poor goat :(

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Is your goat too fat? if so then yes, you need anorexia. badly. poor goat :(

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A goat costs about £300 in the UK.

My goat is really sick I don't know what to do?

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It depends on the type of medicine you are wanting and how heavy your goat is.

What do you mostly need from a lahm?

a goat LOLZ