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Q: How manyunicellular have scietists found?
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Do scietists have standardized a concise definition of life?


What does the capelin feed on?

well most scietists are not quite sure but capelin are carnivores

How do scietists today communicate results and conclusions?

They do experiments and publish their findings in scientific journals.

What do scietists do when new information conflicts with other theories?

Adjust or discard those theories to reflect the new data.

Why do scietists use the metric system?

Scientists use the metric system because of its high accuracy and easy calculations.

How do you now so much about dinosaurs?

Because dinosaur fossils have been found and archeologists and scietists have studied them for years and using their sophisticated equipment they have been able to find out more about them such as, feeding habits, mating, nesting, how they walked and if they were a carnivore or herbivore.

What information can scietists learn from studing the fossils of horses' feet?

By studying the horse's past we can learn how he evolved into the animal we know today.

Why do scietists tag monarch butterflies during the annual migration?

Scientists tag monarch butterflies so that they can track their travels. This is extremely important in understanding their living habits.

What plants have the same affect as marijuanna plants?

If your looking for an alternative i heard of a new project a couple of scietists were working on called "I DOZER" its a sound wave that changes the sound your brain normally gives off, it lasts for like 15 minutes but it take 45 minutes of waiting to get the desired effect

What do scietists think will eventually happen to the universe?

Scientists predict that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, eventually becoming cold and dark in what is referred to as the "heat death" scenario. This will occur as all stars burn out, leaving behind remnants of galaxies and black holes.

How many degrees is the tilt of Pluto?

Pluto has a tilt of approximately 122 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun, which means it rotates on its axis almost sideways compared to the other planets in our solar system.

What does the word nimbostratus mean in latin?

Stratus means "paved, spread out", and nimbus means "cloud, storm", so the compound would mean something like "spread out like a cloud", or "spread out by means of a cloud", or perhaps something else-on the face of it, it doesn't have a very clear, precise meaning. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found. No matching link found.