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Zero to ten pounds of grain per pound of beef. Cattle raised on forage alone (grass and hay, zero grains) produce a very lean, usualy tough, and somewhat 'grassy' tasting beef. Animals raised on forage for the first 12-18 months, and fed adequate grain and forage for 8- 12 weeks within a limited area will produce a better quality of meat, usually select or choice. Prime beef is fed unlimited grain along with dried forage, kept as stress free and quiet as possible, and slaughtered at the optimum time resulting in tender, well-marbled, rich beef.

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Q: How many pounds of corn does it takes to produce one pound of meat?
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it takes 10 pounds of vegtable matter to produce one pound of beef

Why is a pound of bacon more expensive than a pound of corn?

Bacon is typically more expensive than corn due to the added costs of processing and packaging, as well as the higher demand for bacon compared to corn. Additionally, the production process for bacon involves raising and slaughtering pigs, whereas corn can be grown more efficiently and in larger quantities.

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How much corn does it take for a steer to gain 1 pound?

For such a general question, it requires a general answer: It depends on the steer and the type of feed corn being used to feed that steer. There is some sort of general "rule of thumb" out there that it takes around 9 lbs of grain to get one pound of beef, but that is pretty ambiguous. It takes more pounds of corn to get a pound of gain on a Holstein steer than it would on an Angus steer, for instance. Also, cracked corn will get a steer to gain more weight than whole corn will.

How much more bushels when you have 60 pound corn?

If you have 60 pounds of shelled corn (15% moisture), then you have 1.07 bushels of corn.

How much is 250g of corn?

A little over a half pound. It is 0.55 pounds

Convert price per bushel of corn to price per pound?

To convert the price per bushel of corn to price per pound, you need to know the weight of corn in a bushel. On average, there are about 56 pounds of corn in a bushel. So, if the price per bushel is $4, the price per pound would be approximately $0.07 ($4 divided by 56 pounds).

How much does a bushel of eared corn weigh?

A pound of eared corn is equal to about 56 pounds. A bushel is also equal to 1.244 cubic feet.

How many pounds of sugar equal 1 gallon of ethanol?

About 8 pounds of sugar are needed to produce 1 gallon of ethanol through the fermentation process.

How many people can 420 pounds of corn feed?

I feel that corn is nothing more than a state of mind. Honestly, it depends on your personal perception of what exactly a "pound" is. To find the answer, one must ask himself..."what is a pound not?"

How much corn does NJ produce?

Average yield per year for the period 2005 - 2009: Field corn - 8.916 million bushels Sweet corn - 66,540,000 pounds

How many pounds of force does it take to lift a 100 pound man buried under 1 foot of corn?