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Jaunita Hand

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Q: How many mongoose are left in world?
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Related questions

Is the mongoose extinct?

{| |- | The mongoose is not extinct. They are not even on the endangered list. The live in many places over the world in Asia, Africa, India and even the Caribbean. |}

How many pages does Sly Mongoose have?

Sly Mongoose has 352 pages.

Mongoose and cobra?

A mongoose is a strong rodent that lives someplace in asia. A cobra is the longest snake in the world and lives somewhere in asia.

How many children does the average mongoose have?

the mongoose can have seven pups per liter

How many people think mongoose are cute?

There are many people who think that mongoose are cute. Mongoose are carnivores, meaning that they eat meat. They are related to cats, and they hail from Asia, Europe and Africa.

How many litters can a mongoose have per year?

well according to my calculations, the mongoose can have at least 5

How many meerkats are there in the world?

There are three species of the meerkat. It is a member of the mongoose family that is found in the Sahara and sub Sahara area of Africa.

How many offspring can a mongoose have at once?

all i know that the banded mongoose has 3-5

How many gibbons are left in the world?

There are 110 left in the world

What is a mongoose prey?

A mongoose has many prey's such as road runners, bunnies, and more. There is a particular animal or should I say reptile that is a mongoose prey that is a strong snake... a king cobra.

How many hourglass dolphins are left in the world?

About 79,000 are left in the world

How many dholes left in the world?

there are 2500 left in the world (estamated)