As for how many hunters are shot by another hunter, it is hard to determine. As the area (country - Canada, USA, etc), the type of injury (fatal or nonfatal). Example is Alabama 2007 there were 4 accidents involving hunters, 3 nonfatal, of that 2 where not self inflected, and 1 was fatal self inflected.
Using Hunter Incident Clearing House information 2007, there was 220 Nonfatal, and 19 fatal accidents involving a firearm (shotgun, rifle, handgun). The statistics where from Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, West Virgina, Georgia, Texas, Nebraska, Indiana, Louisiana, California, Tennessee, Alabama, Ontario, Utah, and South Carolina. The highest accident being in Michigan with 33 and lowest South Carolina with 1. There were various major factors for the accident: shooter, swinging on game, failure to identify target, careless handing of firearm, victim out of sight of shooter, victim moved into line of fire, failure to check beyond target, trigger caught on object, shooter stumbled, plus many other reasons.
Aimed Shot, then Arcane Shot.
its best to wear orange just in case there are other hunters out, so you dont get shot, while being mistaked for an animal. In many states wearing blaze orange with a certain amount of square inches on front and back is a state regulation - for big game rifle season.
because some animals get eaten by other animals or get shot by hunters, making less in the world.
To know where the majority of the shot will hit.
Ghost Hunters - 2004 A Shot in the Dark 6-14 was released on: USA: 15 September 2010
wolves die of many reasons, they can die because of humans by: being hit by cars, by hunters killing them, and even being shot by someone scared of them. also wolves can kill other wolves if other wolves territory.
less than 200000 cause of the hunters coming for them
High Mountain Rangers - 1987 Jesse Shot by Drunken Hunters - 1.9 was released on: USA:27 February 1988
many things can be shot with an arrow ex. deer birds and many other objects
She is fatally shot by a hunter. Hunters are the unseen bad Guys.
A lot of hunters do indeed care about the suffering of the animals. Many try to give a clean shot through the head to kill them instantly. In many developing areas, hunting is the primary way of substinence, and the people have to worry more about their survival.
"We may not be the best shot and we may not be the best hunters, but we will outwork anyone."