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There would have been quite a few ! It wasn't actually discovered by explorers until 1598 - by 1681, it had been completely wiped out by people hunting it for meat.

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Q: How many dodo birds were there as of 1555?
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How many dodo birds in us zoos?

DoDo birds are extinct (hence the name "DoDo")

How many dodo birds are there now?

There are no dodo birds around now, they are extinct.

How many bones does a dodo bird have?

None, because if u think about it dodo birds are birds so birds don't have teeth so dodo's don't either

Where did the dodo birds come from?

The DODO birds, now extinct, came from a DODO bird egg!

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How many dodo birds are living today?

There are no dodo's alive they are extinct

How do you fly a dodo?

Dodo's are flightless birds.

Which plant does dodo birds eat?

dodo birds eat fruit from the dodo tree. or they eat scraps of plant roots or rocks.

How many dodo birds exist today?

None they are extinct

How many dodo birds live in US zoos?


Were dodo birds colorful?

yes it had colors

Do dodo birds exist today?

No. The dodo died out in the 1600s. There is no evidence at all that any still exist.