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there are many different kinds like dogs and cats which are the most popular. there are also rabbits, some birds, pigs, horses, some reptiles, barn yard, guinea pigs, girbils, ferrets, rats, mice, hamsters, chinchillas, Degu, skunks and there might be more if you are looking for a pet it is good to adopt one from a rescue group you can find them a

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16y ago
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10y ago

The number of dogs in shelters varies each year but at any given time, between six and eight million dogs pass through American animal shelters each year. Around three million of those are euthanized.

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14y ago

National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy is the leading statistics gatherer in this field. However, their research is limited and the last sample is from 1997. These are still the numbers people and animal organizations go by because no complete further data is available. According to NCPPSP, around 4.3 million pets entered the surveyed animal shelters, 2.7 million of them were euthanized. Based on this research, it is believed that around 15 million animals enter shelters every year, with 9.6 million of them euthanized. It is not clear of how many total animals are housed in shelters across the US.

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12y ago

Over 4,000,000 (four million) dogs are put down in the U.S. every year. That ball parks into 80,000 (eighty thousand) per week.

And why? Why do we do this? These dogs, almost all of them, are bred to be our companions and nothing more. And we kill them on a wholesale basis. We throw them away.

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16y ago

It depends how many are in the shelter. Me and my friend went to the shelter and there were to many cats so they were gonna put the oldest ones down.

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14y ago

No one really knows because there are so many animals that are put down in one day day. I bet you that many thousands of animals are killed in less than 48 hours.

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12y ago

Four million cats and dogs-about one every eight seconds-are put down in U.S. shelters each year :(

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12y ago

about 29

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Q: How many animals are in shelters?
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the dog is blue

How many animals are in animal shelters?

There are over 7 million pets in animal shelters looking for homes.

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Shelters kill animals if they are sick or aggressive. Sadly, they do kill animals if they get too full.