· Quetzal (pharomachrus mocinno) aka Guatemalan Quetzal, Resplendent Quetzal
· Trogon family - Trogonidae
· Diet - fruit, worms, frogs, insects, larvae, snails
· Size - body 28 to 40.5 cm; tail 61 cm
· Weight - 200 to 225 g
· Nests - rotting trees
· Males/Females - brilliant blue, green and red colouring - during the mating season the male grow twin tail feathers forming an amazing train, females do not have trains
· Incubation - 17-19 days - both parent incubate and feed the hatchlings
· Number of eggs: 1-3 light blue eggs, laid in February - April
· Young - can fly 20 days after birth
· Endangered
· Average life span in the wild: varies by species and habitat - no exact time frame found
Reference: National Geographic Society
Reference: Enchanted Learning
The puma's gestation period is 91 days long.
The puma's gestation period is 91 days long.
Quetzals don't tend to survive very long in captivity, making it difficult to measure their lifespan, however since they are a song bird, an estimate would be four to five years.
The gestation period of the Springbok is 24 weeks.
Horses have a gestation period of 340 days.
The gestation period of a raccoon is 63 days.
The gestation period for a finch is 11-14 days.
The gestation period of a barracuda is 10 - 12 weeks.
a wolves gestation period is about 63 days yay
Lemurs have a gestation period of 54-68 days.
Goldfish have a gestation period of 5-7 days.
Crabs have an average gestation period of 14 days.