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I am guessing they run about 30 miles per hour because an average house cat can and so they are bout the size of that. But i'm only guessing.

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Q: How fast can a European Wildcat run?
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When was European Wildcat created?

European Wildcat was created in 1775.

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The Iberian lynx, an endangered species, is found in Spain.

Is wild cat a species?

Not a "wild cat" but a wildcat is. The European wildcat(Felis silvestris) is native to several regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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Where can one find wild cats in Europe?

The European wildcat is a species of wildcat that can be found living in the forests and grasslands of Europe, Turkey, as well as the Caucasus Mountains.

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as fast as you think it can as fast as you think it can

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Felis silvestris.

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The house cat is closest in relation to the wildcats, such as the African wildcat or the European wildcat. They share a common ancestor and exhibit similar behaviors and physical traits.

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what is wildcat

What are the different big cats?

To name a few... there are: -tigers -leporads -lions -jaguar -cheetah -clouded lepard -african wildcat -sand cat -asisan lepard -Scottish wildcat -bobcat -spanish wildcat -chinease desert cat -european cat -indian besert cat -jungle cat -lynx -ocelot -puma