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Nutria comes from South America and came to North America for fur trades.

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Crawford Rodriguez

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1y ago
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10y ago

Nutria, basically were imported by humans, and follow rivers and canals as they spread.

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Q: How does the invasive species nutria spread around the world?
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Gee...fifteen-pound rats? There are poisons that will kill them, but they kill desirable species too. Alligators like eating nutria but Louisiana is thick with both nutria and alligators. Mountain lions will also eat nutria, but they like eating people's dogs better. AND you have to import mountain lions.

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Are there any attempts to control the growth or spread of nutria?

Yes, efforts to control nutria populations include trapping, hunting, and habitat modification to limit their impact on wetland ecosystems. Some regions have also introduced targeted eradication programs to reduce nutria numbers and prevent further spread. However, their rapid reproductive rate and adaptability make nutria management an ongoing challenge.

Why may invasive species thrive in a new area and why is it an issue?

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