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Q: How does liver react with hydrogen peroxide?
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Why does boiled liver react with Hydrogen Peroxide?

Boiled liver reacts with hydrogen peroxide because liver contains enzymes called catalase, which catalyze the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water. This reaction produces bubbles of oxygen gas, which is visible as a foamy reaction when hydrogen peroxide is added to boiled liver.

Does cold liver react with hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, cold liver will react with hydrogen peroxide because liver contains enzymes that can catalyze the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. This reaction is commonly used in biology experiments to demonstrate enzyme activity.

Why does macerated liver react faster than whole liver on hydrogen peroxide?

By macerating the liver, you are increasing its surface area (SA) therefore, the enzyme catalase can break down the hydrogen peroxide at a much faster and easier rate.

What function of the liver creates hydrogen peroxide?

The peroxidatic function of the liver is the function that creates hydrogen peroxide.

What liquid is made when liver and hydrogen peroxide mix?

When liver and hydrogen peroxide mix, they produce a liquid called hydrogen peroxide. The liver contains an enzyme called catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

Why doesn't macerated liver react with hydrogen Peroxide like liver does?

Macerated liver has been treated and processed in a way that destroys the enzymes responsible for catalyzing reactions with hydrogen peroxide. Without these enzymes, such as catalase, macerated liver does not exhibit the same reaction with hydrogen peroxide as fresh liver.

Why does liver and hydrogen peroxide exothermic?

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidising agent, and oxidation is an exothermic reaction. The liver is being oxidised.

Liver plus hydrogen peroxide equals what and what?

When Hydrogen Peroxide (2H2O2) is combined with a small piece of liver, the hydrogen peroxide decomposes. This is because the small piece of liver acts as a catalyst, or the cause, of the decomposition of the Hydrogen Peroxide.The balanced equation is thus:2H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) ---------> 2H2O + O2

Does the human liver break down more hydrogen peroxide in the summer or winter?

The liver breaks down hydrogen peroxide consistently throughout the year, regardless of the season. The enzyme catalase in the liver helps convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, a process that occurs continuously to prevent the accumulation of harmful hydrogen peroxide in the body.

How do you reduce hydrogen peroxide to water in homely method?

You can decompose hydrogen peroxide into water by adding a few pieces of uncooked diced potato or liver to it. Both potatoes and liver contain enzymes that will break down hydrogen peroxide.

Why does fresh liver react better in H2O2 then boiled liver?

Fresh liver contains catalase, an enzyme that helps break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen. Boiling denatures the enzyme, reducing its ability to react with H2O2 effectively. This is why fresh liver reacts better in hydrogen peroxide compared to boiled liver.

What turns hydrogen peroxide into water?

Enzymes in the liver.