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Q: How does a tiny animal called a rotifer travel through the water?
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How does a tiny animal called a rotifer travel through water?

with pepellers

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What are the objects called that allow sound to travel through them?

Sound is a pressure wave. Objects that "allow" sound to travel through them could be called wave guides.

What materials do not let heat travel through are called?

Insulators- do not let heat through

Can heat travel through space?

Yes, it is called radiation.

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What is another name for the material through which waves travel?

The material through which waves travel is called a medium. This could be a solid, liquid, or gas.

What are molecules that travel through blood and regulate body activities called?

They are called "hormones".

What are galaxies that travel together through space called?

Galaxies that travel together through space are called galaxy groups or galaxy clusters. These are systems of galaxies bound together by gravity.

Does light need a substance to travel through?

No, light does not need a substance to travel through. Light can travel through empty space, as it is composed of particles called photons that do not require a medium to propagate.

What does not let light through?

There are many materials that light can not travel through which are called opaque objects.

How do liquids travel through plants?

By a process called "capillary" action.