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Well if it is wild it is a wolf(if not tamed) but the survive the way wolves would hunt and adapt.

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Q: How does a dog adapt to its enviromment?
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How can spell enviromment?

ENVIRONMENT - the natural world, or any physical setting

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ecosystem i think

How garden dog garden adapt?

The dog pooed everywhere and then made sweet love it's owner who had aids.

How does the dog adapt to their environment?

May be making them to like it like put their fVorite things in their!

How do you use adapt and adopt as one sentence?

The dog tried to adopt the chicken, but the chicken could not adapt to lapping up water.When the couple wanted to adopt an older child, they did not consider how the child would adapt to their strict rules.

What is the difference between adapt adept and adopt?

adapt is how we are suited to a particular area or environment and how we change our lives to suit it.adopt is when we take in someone like a stranded dog , child etc. and keep them and let them into the family.adept is an individual identified as having attained a specific level of knowledge.

Is Russian climate too cold for a dalmatian dog?

No, dogs can adapt to the temperature changes quite fast so it should not be a problem

Can you give an example of sentence using the word adapt?

Hunters adapted dog breeds with longer noses to help sniff out cold trails.

What is the future tense of adapt?

The future tense of adapt is will adapt.

How does a dog adapt to its changing seasons?

different animals are effected different ways by different areas. some hibernate, some migrate, and some are not effected at all.

Can a schnauzer you've had for 3 years adapt to another schnauzer in the home?

Yes. Usually, the older dog will look on the new one as a "baby," and treat it accordingly.

Do deserts adapt?

Deserts do not adapt but organisms that live in the desert adapt.