yes, they can.they get pregnant then eggs come out from there pouch.
88 years in a cave
The female seahorse deposits her eggs into an opening in the front of the male's body, and he keeps them into a pouch until they hatch, at which time they "squirt" out of him. The seahorse is not pregnant in the sense we think of pregancy, he is just carrying the eggs in a safe place in a specialised pouch for doing so.
Members of the "Seahorse and Pipefish" families do this.
i boy will have a big belly and the girl will be aggressive.
look at the eye spine
As delicate as a seahorse As small as a seahorse As colourful as a seahorse As light as a seahorse As pretty as a seahorse Hope this helps :) xx
No, a baby cannot tell if you are pregnant.
The males become pregnant. The males collect the eggs and they are enclosed in a fold on his stomach until they hatch.
The males become pregnant. The males collect the eggs and they are enclosed in a fold on his stomach until they hatch.
A male seahorse is a male seahorse.