USE A BULLDOZER to pick it up and throw it on the tree with an very tall bulldozer
If you put your catapult away already try checking the tree for existing Elephants.
Climb above the first branches leaving room for the Elephant. Make noise like a peanut. Repeat last step until desired result is achieved.
If you are out of peanuts try planting a seedling under the subject, then, wait...
No. Elephants eat leaves off of trees.
can elephants make sounds herad from 50 miles away
Well no,most elephant are from Africa but some elephants are in Indonesia but it doesn't make them from Indonesia.
Elephants are awesome because they just are. They are adorable, big, awesome, and occasionaly fuzzy. Baby elephants are really really cute and adorable. The noise they make is just that cool. That, is why elephants are awesome
Elephants ARE used to make a sort of ancient Asian medicine. I'm not completely sure if the medicine actually works though.
to make elephants horny
yes they do its biggggggggggggggggggggg