No, he wasn't bow-legged.
bow legged
No King Phillip II of Spain was not bow legged. King Phillip II of Spain was briefly married to Mary I of England.
Bow legged
Pawn Stars - 2009 Bow Legged - 2.28 was released on: USA: 12 April 2010
He is bow-legged
no certain dog breed HAS to be bow legged. it is all genetics. any dog could have bow legs. like it or not, there is no fix but better breeding... bow leggedness is often a result of poor breeding such as breeding two sibling dogs together, which often results in diseases and bow leggedness.
No. I don't have a clue where that question came from... But no.
yes...can make you bow legged, as John Wayne said (get off your horse)
like i no i am bow legged but dat don't mean i no if all people are. why would ya'll stupid people take time out of life to see if everybody s bow legged that is so stupid. omg the only reason why i am answering this question because i am board at school.