Wolves are a very tight family unit. You have a alpha and then the rest are omegas. It's not that much different from our families. You even have the occasional fight.
a wolf pack
wolves protect each other to keep the number of their pack at a size where they can still hunt.Because wolf packs are families, and they care about each other.
wolves protect each other to keep the number of their pack at a size where they can still hunt.Because wolf packs are families, and they care about each other.
Wolves hunt in family packs. They may race each other to bring down a fleeing prey animal. But usually, during a hunt, each member of the pack co-operates for the good of the pack.
A pack consists of a bunch of other wolves, some of them might be related, but others might just be other wolves who joined in with the pack and are not related in any way.
The collective nouns are a pack of wolves or a rout (or route) of wolves.
A pack of wolves.
Any wolf in the pack can fight. Wolves fight to place each others pecking order.
Hares, because they are easy to catch. And wolves howl, chase, growl, fight, make a pack, etc.
A pack of wolves is a collection of wolves.
Wolves are pack animals and a top predator, meaning that other animals are either prey or competition for prey - even other wolves outside their own pack.
When wolves are together in a pack, they tend to do things the same, hunting sleeping etc. so they are always together that is why they are called a pack coz they are packed in, like chips is a packet.