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Q: How do territorial behaviors help an animal survive?
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What behaviors does a porcupine have to help it survive?

The spines help a porcupine to survive as it makes it difficult for another animal to eat it or attack it

What is behavorial adaptations?

a behavioral adaptation is behaviors that help an animal to survive or communicate (ex. a dogs barks, a spider spins its web, a penguin swims, a monkey screeches)

Innate behaviors in monkeys?

Innate behaviors in monkeys include grooming, facial expressions, social hierarchies, and territorial displays. These behaviors are genetically programmed and do not need to be learned. They help monkeys communicate, establish social relationships, and survive in their natural environment.

What behavior helps an animal survive?

Behaviors such as hunting for food, seeking shelter, avoiding predators, and communicating with others of its species all help animals survive in their environment.

Behavior almost always helps an animal?

Animal behavior allows them to adapt to their environment, find food, avoid predators, and reproduce successfully. It can also provide important social interactions and communication within their species. Overall, behavior plays a crucial role in an animal's survival and overall well-being.

How do different structures or behaviors help organisms to survive in their habitat?

the structures or behaviors survive many essential things.

How did their adaptations help the animal survive?

It depends on the animal.

Which term is described as any trait that gives a plant or animal an advantage in its environment?

The term is "adaptation." Adaptations are features or behaviors that help organisms survive and reproduce in their specific environment.

What are the features of an organism that help it to survive and reproduce called?

Those features are called adaptations. Adaptations are traits or behaviors that help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.

What theory is an evolutionary concept that suggests that behaviors that help an organism survive are passed on while weak behaviors are lost?

This is the theory of Natural selection.

How do animal parts help it survive?

Well, the parts of an animal help it survive because they have a digestive system which allows food to digest and make them go the bathroom.

What is a feature on an animal to help it survive called?

Its called Adaptability.