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How do sea animals drink water? I'm not answering this question because certain questions have to search you brain and give it some exercise. It is best if this question confuses you for a little longer

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15y ago

The female lays eggs near (sometimes under) the anemone, where they stick to a rock. The male fertilises the eggs externally after they have been layed.

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Q: How do sea animals pee?
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Is there pee in the sea?

Yes, people pee in the see. Also animals that live in the sea.

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Sea pee u

Other animals that lift their leg to pee?

no ther is not an animal who can pee,all animals can pee.

why does water appear blue?

Because animals pee in it and animals pee is obviously blue ;D

What sea animal starts with the letter pee?

I do not think that any sea animal starts with the letter pee and btw ( by the way) do u mean the letter p or the word pee

Is it ok to pee in the sea?

Yes. If you pee in the sea, all your soing is sending your urine to some other country. The salt in the sea purifies your pee and it does not harm anything. If you drink from the sea after peeing, then no it is not ok. So in some ways its ok, but not in other ways.

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Do squirrels pee-pee?

Yes. Yes, they sure do. They actually pee coffee from their pee holes.

What do animals deposit?

poo and pee

What is the salt in the ocean?

sea animal pee

What senses does the sea cucumber have?

pee and poo