polymorphism in coelentrates
cold blooded. they live in the sea.
It's talking about jellyfish, coral, sea anemones 2. Coelenterates mean ''hollow Inside''
its what you breathe and what plants breathe out while they breathe that out they breathe in carbon diOxide and we breathe it out.
It is the defensive organ present in Colenterates like Jelly fishes. If you handle these coelentrates with bare hands may even lead to death. The Cnidoblasts are also called Nematocysts or stinging cells.
Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees "breathe" out oxygen.
Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, the whole world runs in a motion, for example plants breathe carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen. Even fish breathe oxygen. They take the oxygen out of the water. So we breathe in what plants breathe out and plants breathe in what we breathe out.
Breathe Owl Breathe was created in 2004.
You breathe out more water vapour then when you breathe in
You do breathe when you sleep. Everyday you breathe so you don't always "sleep when you breathe".
when you breathe out, plants breathe in.
After running the mile, she paused to catch her breath.