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animals get energy from the food they eat that gives them energy

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Q: How do animals is get energy explain the process?
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How do the princples of physics help explain the way animals see the world?

The principles of physics help explain how light interacts with the structures of animal eyes, such as lenses and photoreceptor cells, to form images. Understanding properties of light, such as reflection and refraction, helps explain how animals perceive and interpret visual information from their environment. Additionally, physics principles like the conservation of energy help explain how animals use the energy from light to process visual stimuli and navigate their surroundings.

What process gives animals energy?

the sun.....

Explain the process of using fossil fuel as energy?

They are burned with oxygen to produce energy.

Does your body get all its energy from sun . explain?

Yes - indirectly. We get energy from the food we eat, which comes from animals or plants; animals also get their energy from plants; and plants get the energy from sunlight.

Explain the method that animals and plant imply to extract energy from food without using oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration is the process by which animals and plants extract energy from food without using oxygen. This process occurs in the absence of oxygen and produces less energy compared to aerobic respiration. It involves breaking down glucose into simpler molecules like lactic acid or ethanol, releasing a small amount of energy in the process.

Animals do not make their own food from energy in sunlight Explain why they still depend on the sun for energy?

Animals depend on the sun indirectly as they rely on consuming plants or other animals that have obtained energy from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis. The sun is the ultimate source of energy that sustains the entire food chain and ecosystem.

Which process do the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP?

Cellular respiration is the process the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP.

How does energy from the sun get converted into energy that can be used by humans and other animals?

By the process of Photosynthesis.

How does energy from the sun get converted energy that can be used by humans and other animals?

By the process of Photosynthesis.

How do plants and animals release energy?

Plants release energy through the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into chemical energy stored in glucose. Animals release energy through the process of cellular respiration, where they break down glucose and other nutrients to produce ATP, the energy currency of cells.

What is the process animals use to release the energy stored in food?


Is the energy conversion process of nuclear fusion appears to best explain the source of solar energy?

Yes, nuclear fusion is the process by which the sun produces energy through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium. This process releases vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat, making it the most plausible explanation for the source of solar energy.