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As advances were made in agricultural equipment such as plows and harvesting tools, land could be cultivated more efficiently. With less labor a more land could be cultivated and it could produce more crops.

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Q: How did the development of new tools affect agricultural production?
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How did the development of agriculture affect tool making?

The development of agriculture led to a more settled lifestyle, which allowed for more time to be spent on perfecting and creating tools. This shift towards sedentary living also meant that specific tools for farming tasks could be designed and perfected, leading to advancements in tool making techniques and technology. Agricultural practices also influenced the types of tools that were needed, leading to the development of new implements tailored to farming needs.

How did the agricultural revolution change the way people farmed their land?

The agricultural revolution brought about advancements in technology, such as the use of tools like the plow and the introduction of crop rotation. This led to increased production and efficiency in farming practices. Additionally, it allowed for a shift from subsistence farming to surplus production, enabling the growth of populations and the development of cities.

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What are some of the characturistics of the Neolithic agricultural revolution?

The Neolithic agricultural revolution marked the shift from hunting and gathering to farming and domestication of animals. It led to settled communities, surplus food production, specialization of labor, and the development of more complex social structures. This period also saw the invention of tools and technologies to aid in agriculture, such as the plow and irrigation systems.

Is the development of tools with handles was useful for farming and growing crops?

Yes, the development of tools with handles was very useful for farming and growing crops as it allowed for easier manipulation and control of the tools, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in agricultural practices. The handles also helped reduce strain on the hands and improve ergonomics for the farmers using the tools.

What were the major achievements of Paleolithic age?

1. The Agricultural Revolution 2. The development of cities and settlements 3. Development of Kinships

How did discovery of iron led to the changes in central Africa?

The discovery of iron in central Africa led to technological advancements such as better tools and weapons, which in turn facilitated agricultural production, hunting, and warfare. This contributed to societal changes by enabling more complex societies to emerge, with the development of specialized labor roles and trade networks.

How did agriculture and metal-working relate to the settlement growth and development of civilization?

Agriculture allowed for a stable food supply and surplus production, enabling population growth and permanent settlement. Metal-working provided tools, weapons, and technology that supported agricultural practices and contributed to the development of specialized skills and trade networks within civilizations.

What was developed in agricultural era?

The agricultural era of human development saw increases in all areas of civilization. From civilization itself, the development of tools and spoken language blur in this age of great change. The advent of civilization in Mesopotamia developed along with agriculture and the use of food from crops that are cultivated instead of gathered from naturally growing sources.

What are the factors that influence productivity?

An employee's capacity, tools used on the job and the type of incentive given all affect productivity. With the right tools, employees can increase their chances at meeting production each day.

Which of the followimg was a direct effect of the Agricultural Revolution?

One direct effect of the Agricultural Revolution was the increase in food production, which led to population growth. Additionally, there was a shift from a nomadic way of life to settled communities as agriculture allowed people to produce a reliable food supply. The Agricultural Revolution also brought about technological advancements in farming practices and tools.