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That is hard to say because not all holes are even seen. The deepest hole was probably dug by some sort of burrowing animal or insect.

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Q: How deep is the deepest hole dug by an animal?
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How deep is the worlds biggest hole?

By "biggest" do you mean largest in volume, or simply the deepest? The deepest hole yet dug is called the Kola Borehole and is a bit over 40,000 feet (12,262 meters) deep.

How do you correct this sentence No one never dug a hole that deep before?

No one never dug a hole that deep before

What is a deep hole dug straight down called?

A deep hole dug straight down is called a borehole. Boreholes are commonly used for mineral exploration, groundwater monitoring, and scientific research.

How do you use fox in a sentence?

The fox dug a deep hole for her puppies.

What is the difference between burrow and hole?

A burrow is a tunnel or hole dug in the ground by an animal for habitation or shelter. A hole is simply an opening or hollow place in a surface. While a burrow is typically dug by an animal for living, a hole can be formed naturally or by human activities.

Who out of holes the book dug up a hole?

Everyone who had been sent to holes had dug a hole 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. There is no certain character who a hole. Although the main character is Stanley Yelnats.

What is the name of a deep hole dug for mining?

A deep hole dug for mining is called a shaft. It provides access to underground mineral deposits for extraction and transportation to the surface. shafts can extend vertically or at an angle depending on the depth and layout of the mine.

How deep has the Earth's crust been drilled into?

This can be answered in two ways.Man has gone "in person" as deep as the deepest mine, TauTona in Carletonville, South Africa at 3.9 kilometres.Boreholes have been made even deeper.The present holder of this record is the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia. It reached 12.262 kilometres in 1989.

Why outhouses pose a risk to neighbouring lakes?

This depends on how deep the hole is dug, for the out house. If it's dug too deep then the contents may seep into the water level and end up in a near by lake.

If you dug a hole 592 kilometers deep which layer of the Earth would you reach?

If you dug a hole 592 kilometers deep, you would reach the upper part of the Earth's mantle, which extends from the crust to about 2,900 kilometers beneath the surface. You would not reach the Earth's outer core, which starts at a depth of about 2,900 kilometers.

What is a deer nest called?

A Burrow or Underground hole is often dug just deep enough to fit the family.

Has anyone dug into the core of the earth?

No, humans have not dug into the core of the Earth. The farthest humans have dug is approximately 7.5 miles deep, through the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia. The Earth's core is about 4,000 miles beneath the surface and beyond the reach of current drilling technology.