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Examples of when animals can cause soil erosion include:

  • grazing stock animals such as cattle and sheep - they feed on grasses and shrubs, often pulling out the entire plant, roots and all, or exposing the plant right to the roots
  • large animals with heavy hooves and feet such as horses and camels, which impact the soil - impaction limits how well the soil can absorb and drain water
  • burrowing animals such as rabbits and mice whose digging activities result in erosion
  • herbivorous animals that eat the tips and shoots of young trees, such as rabbits and hares
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Q: How People and Animals cause Soil Erosion?
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How animals and people cause erosion?

People and animals cause erosion simply by moving soil. Animals might cause erosion by over grazing or burrowing, but humans cause much more through construction, farming, and other large displacements.

How do people and animals become agents of soil erosion?

Animals and people both contribute to soil erosion. This is done by grazing and migration. Humans also erode soil by farming.

What are some animals that cause soil erosion?

Some animals that can cause soil erosion include burrowing animals like gophers, moles, and groundhogs as they create tunnels that can weaken soil structure. Livestock, such as cattle and sheep, can also contribute to soil erosion through overgrazing, trampling, and compacting the soil. Additionally, activities of animals like ants and termites can lead to soil erosion by breaking down soil aggregates.

How does water wind people animals bring about soil erosion?

Water, wind, people, and animals can cause soil erosion by physically moving the soil particles from one place to another. Water running over the soil surface can dislodge and transport soil particles, while wind can pick up and carry away loose soil. People and animals can also contribute to soil erosion by walking or moving heavy machinery over the soil, which can compact and degrade its structure.

How does a person cause soil erosion?

how does a person cause a soil erosion

How do people impact or cause erosion?

people causes erosion by soil erosion.Soil Erosion is the loss of topsoil by carrying it away to another place.The example of soil erosion is land slide

Where does soil erosion affect people and animals?

Through food production and availability.

What is the effect of the soil erosion to the people animals plants and environment?

puta ka

How can people and animals cause soil erosion?

People can cause soil erosion through deforestation, overgrazing, and poor farming practices that remove vegetation cover and expose soil to erosion by wind and water. Animals can contribute to soil erosion through trampling, which can break up soil structure and increase runoff during rainfall events.

How do animals contribute soil erosion?

by eating the soil

How does erosion effect people and animals give three way?

Erosion can impact people and animals by damaging homes and infrastructure, reducing soil quality for agriculture, and disrupting habitats for wildlife. It can lead to increased costs for rebuilding, food scarcity, and loss of biodiversity.

How do plants and animals contributes to soil erosion and weathering of rocks?