No! Bury your dog and dispose of it properly, you may find yourself in a lot of trouble if your system gets blocked.
When The dog completely get rid of Parvo virus
Parvo is highly contagious. So if the infected dog was near a dog that wasn't vaccinated against parvo, it is possible to infect the healthy dog whether it was sexual contact or not.
My dog had parvo and we learned to give the dog have a pill of Tylenol and pepto bismal
No, Tamiflu is for treating Parvo in dogs - if the dog does not have Parvo, it does not need Tamiflu.
Any dog can get parvo. To prevent it, go to the vet and get the shots are dog normally needs.
No. Once your dog has had parvo, it cannot get it again, same scenario as with chickenpox.
Parvo kills your dog after the dog dies parvo can live on your land where the dog was and any place he played or laid while he had it for at least 7 years I suggest any dog you get take and get his shots A.S.A.P.!! Parvo is awful it's torture for you and your beloved dog!!!!
You mean "Parvo", and yes, they can get it from another dog.
No, but sometimes dogs can still get parvo even if they've been vaccinated. If your dog has contract parvo and was vaccinated against it, contact the vaccine company. In most cases, they will pay for treatment of your dog because their product did not work.
Getting your dog the parvo vaccine is not 100 percent protection. Certain breeds are more vonerable to contracting Parvo. Bulldogs, pitbulls, boxers and dobermans are prone to this disease and if they have come into contact with it they could easily get it.