You should always check with your doctor in order to better manage your diabetes. There are several medications available to people who suffer with diabetes, such as insulin treatments.
type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent and type 2 diabetes is insulin independant. basically meanind type 1 is more serious it can cause death if not treated properly. Type 2 is not insulin dependent unless the person does not exercise enough and eat right, then some Type 2 Diabetic can become insulin dependent.
A timeout should be started as soon as unwanted behavior occurs in order to effectively manage behavior.
We know that diabetes is when the pancreas can no longer perform their task as they should and the body either produces too much insulin or not enough. Thus we have a chemical imbalance. The best way to control diabetes is thru a good diet consisting of clean fresh fruits and vegetables. Exercise is also an outstanding way to manage diabetes.
No you do not need to intake insulin if you do not have a certain disease in which your body does not receive insulin, such as diabtes. If you do not have diabetes then your body should be already making no it is not a food source.(:
Mabye you could take insulin pills without injecting it.It should be a lot less painful.
The difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 is quite different. Type 1 diabetes is when the body no longer produces insulin so the child will have to be on insulin replacement injections for the rest of their life. Type 2 diabetes is when the cells in the body do not respond correctly to making insulin. If you are worried your son has diabetes you should visit your doctor and have him run a blood test to check for diabetes. Usually it involves a simple blood test and the results usually arrive somewhat quickly.
If you have been diagnoised with diabetes your doctor should have put you on a regiment of either pills or insulin injections. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, both are treated differently, so we need to know if you have been diagnoised with diabetes and which type of diabetic you are before anything can be said concernng the types of teatments for diabetes. Cheyzer
If non diabetic but with pre diabetes or insulin resistance, i recommend metformin.
Diabetes in horses is very rare. There is condition in horses called Insulin Resistance that is similar to type 2 diabetes. Insulin Resistance is diagnosed through physical exam and monitoring blood glucose levels. If you are concerned that you horse has a health issue, you should contact your veterinarian to discuss what is occurring.
NIDDM is Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. It's the most common type of diabetes, and can be managed without insulin, with diet and excercise. Get more information here:http://www.healthline.comNo matter what information you find on the net, please do not diagnose yourself. Always confirm your diagnosis or suspicions with a medical professional, and any new diet should be under medical supervision.
In order to effectively manage someone, a manager should be aware of the person's strengths and weaknesses. They should also have a feel for their personality, and what motivates or drives them.