What is the best way to stop a food aggressive dog from trying to become the alpha dog?
A food aggressive dog is potentially dangerous. Many shelters
will not try to rehome a pet with this trait. A person who doesn't
have a dog training background will not have the skill and patience
to rehabilitate such a canine by herself, and may get bitten while
trying. Displaying food aggression does not necessarily mean that
the animal is trying to be the leader of the pack; he could have
issues with food from his past, he could be fearful, or he could be
confused about how he is supposed to behave. The most effective way
to address this issue is to find the best positive-method dog
trainer in your area and speak with him about how to proceed. No
harsh techniques should be used to correct this problem. You will
spend some money in the process, and it will take a while, but you
will end up with a calmer, safer, happier pet.