how do dugongs communicate with other animals and humans
No, animals do not ask questions in the same way that humans do. They communicate through sounds, body language, and other signals to convey their needs and intentions.
No, animals cannot talk to humans in human languages. Animals communicate with each other using their own methods such as sounds, body language, and behavior. While some animals can be trained to respond to commands or cues from humans, they cannot speak in human language.
Well because they make animal sounds we don't we talk but they can communicate like us..........
Humans share characteristics such as the ability to communicate, form social bonds, use tools, experience emotions, and adapt to different environments with other animals. These traits have evolutionary roots and can be observed in various species across the animal kingdom.
Humans have developed complex language systems to communicate due to their advanced cognitive abilities and social structures. Other animals communicate through various forms such as vocalizations, body language, and scents, but these are typically simpler and more limited in scope compared to human language. Additionally, speech requires fine control over the vocal cords and complex brain structures, which may not be as developed in other animals.
The talk in all types of languages like are language is "english"
they don't because humans kill eagles.
We are humans because we have to be different from other animals.
all animals have a way of communicating with other animals of the same species.
Animals use body language and growls, howls, grunts, whistles, purring, and other vocalizations as well, depending on the animal in question. Humans communicate best when using compassion.