To determine if your platy fish is pregnant, look for a swollen abdomen, dark spot near the back fin (gravid spot), and a boxy or square appearance. Pregnant platy fish may also exhibit changes in behavior, such as increased hiding or aggression.
You can tell if your pregnant platy fish is ready to give birth by looking for signs such as a dark spot near her back fin, a swollen belly, and increased hiding behavior. Additionally, you may notice her pacing back and forth or rubbing her belly against objects in the tank. These are all indicators that she is close to giving birth.
If you have a male and female Platty together I can guarantee that the female is pregnant (gravid) no matter what you think.
There is no reason to do so.
Yes, they can.
tell more about why its not breeding what is its behavior Mabe the platy tank is not suitable for the platy pair try adding more plants and hiding spaces for the fish and feed them more of a variety of foods flake + blood worms+live or frozen foods if possible
They can be pregnant (gravid) at 3 or 4 weeks.
To determine if your platy is pregnant, look for a swollen abdomen, dark spot near the back fin (gravid spot), and a more rounded body shape. You may also notice behavioral changes like increased hiding or aggression. If unsure, consult a veterinarian for confirmation.
Answer It is the platy's waste.
You should probably transfer it in a cup or trap it. ;)
A platy is a type of tropical fish. It is not a quantity or measure so one can not have a "platy of" anything including guppies.