It is not recommended to use Monistat to treat a dog yeast infection. It is best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options for your dog's yeast infection.
Monistat should not cause a condom to fail, if that is what you are asking. Monistat is used to treat yeast infections. If you have a yeast infection you should not be having intercourse at this time because you can give your partner a yeast infection as well.
Yes you can get pregnant; Monistat is not a spermicide. However, you should NOT have sex with a yeast infection-- you can pass it to the guy, who can then pass it back to you. Guys can be yeast carriers without symptoms.
can you take metronidazole and doxycycline while using monistat?
Monistat is used to treat vaginal infections - tampons should never be used during a vaginal infection. Tampons are a major cause of vaginal infections as they encourage harmful bacterial growth, prevent vaginal cleaning, and effect vaginal pH - thus could make your infection worse or trigger another infection, using tampons when your vaginal flora i sout of balance also increases risks of toxic shock syndrome. The treatment needs to be allowed to readjust your vaginal flora and flush out, tampons prevent this.
Penicillin is an antibiotic that is effective against bacterial infections, not fungal infections. Fungal infections require antifungal medications, not antibiotics like penicillin, to effectively treat them. Using penicillin to treat a fungal infection will not be effective and could potentially worsen the infection by promoting the growth of the fungus.
It is not recommended to treat trichomoniasis without medication. Antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider are the most effective way to treat the infection. Additionally, practicing safe sex and informing sexual partners to get tested and treated are important to prevent reinfection.
Absolutely! But we as women know periods can be messy. If you are using the cream where you put the medicine in the tube, and push it up into your vagina, then you of course may want to enter it at a time you are not bleeding, even with the pill form that you must insert. But the answer is yes, it would be so unfortunate if you had to deal with a yeast infection an extra 3 to 5 days on top of your period.
To treat a chronic yeast infection it is best for you to consult your health-care professional for immediate treatment. However, if the above option is not possible you can treat it using some over the counter medicine.
It is generally not recommended to use Monistat (an antifungal medication) after using Clindamycin (an antibiotic) for bacterial vaginosis. Clindamycin can disrupt the normal vaginal flora, making it more susceptible to fungal infections. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment recommendations.
You can, but you are better off using a product that will treat infection, such as Neosporin.
Per walgreens pharmacy, You can drink alcohol while using monistat inserts. Just drink in moderation. No more than 1 or 2.