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To effectively flush out a dog's ear, first, gently lift the ear flap and hold it up. Then, carefully pour a vet-approved ear cleaning solution into the ear canal. Massage the base of the ear for about 20-30 seconds to help the solution reach deep into the ear. Finally, let the dog shake its head to remove any excess solution and debris. Repeat as needed, following your veterinarian's instructions.

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Q: How can I effectively flush out a dog's ear?
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Ok well you need to buy dog ear cleaning solution. And spray some in the dogs ear. Then you need to be carful with this. But, you need to take a baby wipe and gently clean the dogs ear out. And do not go in to far because you can damage the ear drum and can possibly make the dog deaf

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Although there were no results for Otomix, there were some for Otomax. Otomax is an ear antibiotic for dogs. It is used to treat bacterial ear infections of the outer ear of dogs.

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i don't have a dogs.

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Visit the nearest veterinarian if an ant has gone into a dog's ear. While some use oil or water to flush out the insect, it is better to consult with an expert first before doing anything. This will ensure proper handling of the situation in terms of procedure.

How do you get a fly out of your ear?

If a fly has flown into your ear, tilt your head to the affected side and gently flush your ear with warm water using a bulb syringe. Do not try to remove the fly using objects like cotton swabs or tweezers, as this can push the insect further into your ear canal or cause damage. Seek medical attention if the fly is still stuck after attempting to flush it out.