To effectively feed multiple dogs at the same time, you can use separate feeding stations to prevent competition and ensure each dog gets their fair share of food. Additionally, establish a feeding schedule and supervise meal times to monitor each dog's intake. It's important to provide each dog with their own bowl and space to eat peacefully.
Yes! Feed them the same amount of food.
they will eat from a food bowl, same as fully grown dogs (:
feed it normal amounts of food just like a normal dog.if you feed it to much at the same time the dogs body will go into shock.
Dogs actually do not have the same kinds of tastes buds humans do. That is why we can feed them the exact same thing morning and night without them getting tired of it. There may be a food that agrees with your dogs system better, but that is different than if they like it or not.
1)You get 2 dogs of the same breed that are male and female 2)You get them to like each other 3)Feed them dry food 4)feed them milk 5)The female will get fatter and in about 5 days you will see a puppy that is smaller than the other 2 dogs. Note this will only work with the same breed.The dogs also have to like each other.(Like cuddle alot)
You should introduce any new dogs to the others slowly and carefully. However, you can have multiple females living in the same area at the same time as long as they get along. I have two females dogs at home right now, and they get along fine.
I ask my Vet that same question, he said NO, not to feed them it. Something to do with the Iron in fish
Dogs are not the same as humans in there diets, they eat dog food and stuff, but don't feed them fruit. Fruit trees are good for them to pee on :)
I'm pretty confident that Yorkie dogs are the same as teacup dogs
Dogs may like eggs because they are a good source of protein and essential nutrients. The taste and smell of eggs can also be appealing to dogs. However, it is important to feed eggs to dogs in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
They eat most of the same stuff other dogs do, just don't feed them onions or chocolate, which is very poisonous to them. Bishons are also known to love carrots, I feed my own three a few each night as a bed-time snack.
Each species has it's own nutritional requirements. Never cross feed. And never feed goats and sheep the same feed. They have totally different needs to stay alive and well. If goats are fed sheep feed for example, it will kill the goats. And visa versa. The only feed that can be cross fed is goats can eat horse feed if it is a good quality. But not the other way around - the horse cannot eat goat feed. But that is the ONLY cross feeding that is safe - goats eating good quality horse feed. It is the same with cats and dogs - dogs cannot eat cat food or it will cause them to die from urinary stones and it is a terrible death. But cats can eat dog food even though it does not met their feline nutritional needs, but it won't kill them.