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A snake can open its mouth wide enough to swallow prey that is larger than its own head.

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Q: How big can a snake open its mouth?
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Does a snake open its mouth when it hisses?

no it does not

How big can a snakes mouth can open?

A snake's mouth can open very wide thanks to its flexible jaws. Some snakes can open their mouths to accommodate prey that is larger than their own head, allowing them to swallow their food whole. The size of a snake's mouth opening varies depending on the species and size of the snake.

How wide can a snake open its mouth to swallow its prey?

A snake can open its mouth very wide, up to about four times the diameter of its body, in order to swallow prey that is larger than its head.

What is the body structure of the snake?

their body is they have a long tall they have a big mouth

Is snake venom drinkable?

As long as there are no open sores or wounds in the mouth or throat, snake venom can be ingested as it is not poisonous.

How big is a narwhals eye?

As big as a adult humans mouth open.

Can a python open its mouth over 10m?

No. The largest python on record was just short of 10 m long. No snake could ever open its mouth to 10 m.

How does a snake eat a rabbit?

The jaw of a snake is not attached to his skull. So he can open his mouth, incredibly wide. He doesnt chew, but swallows the rabbit whole.

What type of snake's mouth is white when it is open?

If your in the southeastern united states it is most likely a cotton mouth which is poisonous. they also smell like cucumbers.

When type of snake mouth is white when open?

The Cottonmouth - a highly-venomous species.

How big can a great white open its mouth?

10 ft

What helps a snake open its mouth so wide?

it has a bone that lets it open its mouth to a 90 degree angle and it stretches its jaw out because it isn't exactly atached the it pulls the food in with separate jaws