If you have accidentally traumatized your dog, it is important to seek professional help or guidance from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to address the situation and ensure the well-being of your pet.
If you have accidentally traumatized your cat, it is important to seek professional help or advice from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to address the situation and ensure the well-being of your pet.
Abdul was going through a difficult time in his life, so he sought out the Imam for spiritual guidance. Imam is a noun.
The Judean King that Isaiah says consistently sought God is King Hezekiah. Isaiah portrays Hezekiah as a righteous ruler who trusted and sought guidance from God. Hezekiah is known for his efforts to purge idolatry and promote religious reforms in Judah.
At first, performers and dancers sought guidance from Alexander to overcome physical complaints and to improve the expression and spontaneity of their performances.
Hermann Hesse sought professional psychiatric help from Carl Gustav Jung during a period of mental crisis in his life. Jung's guidance and analytical psychology approach greatly influenced Hesse's personal growth and inner exploration, helping him navigate his struggles with mental well-being and find peace of mind.
One term for a person blessed with wisdom is a "sage." This individual is highly knowledgeable, insightful, and often sought after for their wise counsel and guidance.
Usually, when one sought guidance from the gods, they consulted one of any number of oracles. The most famous was the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi.
Marie Stopes sought the help of Havelock Ellis. Stopes was a prominent campaigner for women's reproductive rights and Ellis, a prominent psychologist and sexologist, provided support and guidance for her work on birth control and sexual education.
Daniel mourned for 21 days because he had been fasting and praying for understanding and guidance from God. On the 21st day, an angel appeared to him with the message he sought.
George could have supported Lennie better by providing more consistent guidance and oversight to help prevent dangerous situations. He could have also sought out professional help or resources to better understand and support Lennie's needs and challenges. Ultimately, George's care for Lennie was genuine, but there were missed opportunities for more proactive and structured assistance.
Unoka consulted the Oracle of the Hills and Caves because he was worried about his crops failing. He sought guidance and intervention from the oracle to improve his harvest and bring prosperity to his family.
A person who is an expert in books is commonly known as a librarian or a bibliophile. They have deep knowledge and passion for literature, ranging from classic novels to contemporary works, and are often sought out for book recommendations and guidance.